The actual number of cichlid species is unknown, but estimates put the figures at between 1,300 and 3,000. They vary in body size from a very small 1 inch in length to a much larger 3 feet.
It is a fun time now for all of us cichlid enthusiasts, there are over 300 species of cichlids obtainable for the home aquarium lover. Some of the more popular Cichlids are the African Cichlids, Angel Fish, Convict, Firemouth, Jack Dempsey, Lake Malawi, Lake Tanganyika, Oscar, Parrot, Pike, Pink Convict, Red Devil, Red Zebra and Zebra to mention a few.
Of all the freshwater fish the cichlid fishes have the largest variety of behaviors and body types. They are also a favorite with the aquarium fish enthusiasts because of their personality, they are known to beg for food and greet their owners.They are without a doubt the smartest of the freshwater fishes.
The cichlid species are usually classified in three main groups: The South American cichlids, The Central and North American cichlids and the African cichlids. The waters cichlids inhabit have not been thoroughly researched yet by the world's scientists and there is a good chance some cichlid species may become extinct before we even find them. That is a sad commentary indeed.
When it comes to your cichlid care there are some requirements that must be followed in order to keep your cichlid healthy. They like places to hide so it is good to have pieces of driftwood or rocks in the tank. Most cichlids like the water temperature to be in the mid seventies and some species(angelfish) like plants in the tank while the larger species tend to dig up plants, so it is best to leave your tank plant free.
As far as their diet, large flake food is good as well as live and frozen food. If you have a larger ciclid you can feed them earthworms. Cichlids are extremely territorial and aggressive so be careful how you select the fish you put in the tank and never overcrowd the tank, they need to claim their own territory.
Cichlids are a fun fish to own but before you get your first cichlids do as much research about them as you possibly can.
Cichlid Hobbyists from all over the United States and the world witll travel thousands of miles to attend National Conventions. These hobbyists have formed a common bond over "everything" cichlid.
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